Brandon Bookout

Brandon Bookout

Associate Vice President
  • Merchant McIntyre Associates
  • 1634 I Street NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20006
  • 202-869-5220

Brandon Bookout first joined Merchant McIntyre as an intern several years ago and played his way onto the team full-time with his relentless work ethic, strong communication skills, “at least one big new idea a week,” creative mind, and passion for helping nonprofits and local

Brandon leverages his federal grants expertise by aligning upcoming federal funding opportunities with the priority needs of clients. He plays a central in the onboarding process for every new MM client, plans for, conducts, and drives the follow-up action items for Resource Inventories.

“Brandon is a rising star! As an intern, Brandon played his way onto the team, and now he’s integral to onboarding every new client.”

Brandon’s work is critical to developing comprehensive Federal Funding Strategies, detailed Federal Grants Grids, and specific Action Plans – the “living documents” that guide Merchant McIntyre’s client service work. 

Before joining MM, Brandon served as a Municipal Consultant, where he planned and executed several economic development projects. Notably, Brandon led the development of five-year park master plans for the City of Winchester (IN) and Town of Gaston (IN) and assisted in the development and organization of the Indiana Automotive Council, a partnership between Indiana automotive manufacturers and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. 

Outside of Merchant McIntyre, Brandon enjoys spending time with his wife, Amanda, and their son Mason. Brandon is a lifelong automotive enthusiast who has yet to receive a speeding ticket. His love of sticky tires and V8 engines characterize his passion for cars. 

When not driving fast cars, Brandon feeds his need for speed by water skiing on Lake Sechrist with his family and friends.