Despite its proximity to Washington, DC, the City of Manassas Park, VA, had rarely engaged with the federal government prior to retaining Merchant McIntyre. Manassas Park selected MM to dramatically expand its efforts to attract federal funding, strengthen the City’s internal capacity to implement large federal grants, and build relationships with the Virginia Congressional delegation.
Merchant McIntyre has helped Manassas Park achieve a strong ROI by winning these funding awards at both the state and federal levels:
- $50,000 to purchase new body-worn cameras (BWCs) for the City’s fleet of sworn law enforcement officers. (Source VA Department of Criminal Justice Service)
- $250,000 to recruit and hire new additional sworn law enforcement officers to expand the PD’s capabilities and better protect the safety and lives of members of the community. (Source: U.S. Department of Justice)
- $323,000 to support the costs an additional full-time School Resource Officer (SRO) for three years. This enabled Manassas Park to have a full-time SRO dedicated to each and every school in the City. (Source: VA Department of Justice)
- $447,000 to (1) replace legacy access control and analog/coax camera systems throughout four City Buildings (Police Department, Fire Department, Community Center, and City Hall (new construction) that have reached the end of life and are failing; and (2) to purchase security/surveillance cameras at nine high-traffic street intersections as well. (Source: Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Bill)
- $3.3 million to make critically needed improvements to the Route 28-Centreville Road corridor – a corridor of statewide significance that carries a high volume of intra-county and regional traffic but also has annual crash rates substantially higher than the statewide average for similar roadways. (Source: Transportation, Housing And Urban Development Appropriations Bill)