Need a TIGER Win?
The Department of Transportation (DOT) will likely release the FY 2019 TIGER solicitation this spring. This grant program provides up to $25 million for surface transportation infrastructure projects.
Merchant McIntyre Associates has a history of winning TIGER grants. Recently, we met with the DOT professional staff to glean insight into their priorities for this competitive program. If you have surface transportation objectives, this could be the first of several grants we pursue in 2018 to drive up your ROI.
If you're interested in winning a TIGER grant, please contact us as soon as possible since this is a complex and thorough application. You can reach us at (240) 630-1846 or [email protected].
Need Help With Brownfields?
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be soliciting applications for its FY 2019 brownfields assessment, cleanup, and revolving loan fund grants in the summer. These grants will be awarded to municipalities and municipal agencies to plan and/or conduct assessment, cleanup, and revitalization efforts of contaminated properties.
EPA's Brownfields Program empowers states, communities, and other stakeholders to work together to assess, clean up, and sustainably reuse brownfields. These EPA grants provide essential funding to communities for assessment, cleanup, and area-wide planning activities, and revolving loan funds. Brownfields grants can provide essential seed funding to spur the environmental cleanup of brownfields and initiate community revitalization.
If you're interested in applying for this program, please contact us as soon as possible to launch your application process. You can reach us at (240) 630-1846 or [email protected].