Is Feeding the Needy a Priority?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) will be announcing their next Community Food Projects competition this summer. The award ceiling is approximately $400,000, while the maximum award for planning projects is $35,000.
Merchant McIntyre won a $380,000 award in the last round of competition.
Program details:
The primary goals of the Community Food Projects (CFP) are to: (1) meet the food needs of low-income individuals through food distribution, community outreach to assist in participation in Federally assisted nutrition programs, or improve access to food as part of a comprehensive service; (2) increase the self-reliance of communities in providing for the food needs of those communities; (3) promote comprehensive responses to local food access, farm, and nutrition issues; and (4) meet specific state, local or neighborhood food and agricultural needs including needs relating to: (a) equipment necessary for the efficient operation of a project; (b) planning for long-term solutions; or (c) the creation of innovative marketing activities that mutually benefit agricultural producers and low-income consumers.
If you're interested in applying for this program, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can help you develop your project and write your application. You can reach us at (240) 630-1846 or [email protected].